We are finally taking a look at the most recent Wallace and Gromit film, a Matter of Loaf and Death, to see what secrets, easter eggs, and hidden details we can spot.
The very first thing we can see in the film is the very unfortunate Baker Bob. This is not just a a reference to the Wallace and Gromit writer, Bob Baker. It is also a nod to The Close Shave, where his business is used as a front for Preston.
Bob appearing in A Close Shave
In this same scene, on the back of the newspaper, we can see a nice reference to Nick Park. The film creator’s beloved Preston are playing against local rivals Wigan in the cup.

Next we see something hidden in Wallace and Gromit’s bakery. Do you recognise the iconic bike and sidecar the duo used in a Close Shave?

One of my favourite details in this film is this poster on the zoo wall. You might remember that in the Wrong Trousers, the villain, Feathers McGraw, is taken to the zoo at the end once he had been captured. You might have also seen our last two blog posts that Feathers somehow managed to escape, as he made cameo appearances in A Close Shave and the Curse of the Were-Rabbit. We can see by this poster that the zoo have realised that he has gone missing! It’s great to feel that the Wallace and Gromit films link together. Maybe Feathers was somehow responsible for the plot in a Matter of Loaf and Death?

Gromit’s bedroom holds the next few hidden details. In his room we see the rocket that took them to the moon, some flying sheep as a reference to a Close Shave and to the very popular Shaun the Sheep TV show, and a poster for a doggy version of the film Citizen Kane. Interestingly this isn’t the first time Citizen Kane has been referenced, as in A Grand Day Out we find the famous Rose Bud sledge in Wallace’s basement.
Piella’s bedroom is where we can see the final easter egg. Fluffle’s bed might spark some memories of the Meetabix box Gromit hid in in the Wrong Trosuers.

There aren’t as many hidden easter eggs in this film, but it’s great that all the previous classic films are all referenced in it. If we have missed any please let us know. At the time of writing it is 13 years since the last outing for Wallace and Gromit. Surely we are due another one soon! In the meantime we have plenty of Wallace and Gromit t-shirts for you to browse.
On the tree at the baker light girls house it has gromit and fluffles hearted on the tree how cute fluffles must have done it